Topics of all kinds!
A bunch of resources that are more “I couldn’t quite dedicate an entire section to” but are made up of useful resources for each of these topics as a stumble across them. Future plans certainly will be to build a Christian doctrine resources section (for now they remain here), cults section, denominations sections, other religions sections (Many require the gathering of sufficient resources). For now they’re here, but perhaps one day you’ll get a more thorough bank of resources on them!
- Sacrifice & Atonement (Bible Project Animated video)
- The Real History of Penal Substitutionary Atonement
- Where The Old Testament Teaches Penal Substitution
- This Is How The Cross Works, Penal Substitution in Isaiah 53
- What Romans Really Tells Us About the Cross and How it Saves
- Limited Atonement, Universalism and many disagree with both
- Answering Objections to the Atonement with Dr. William Lane Craig
- Philosophical Issues in the Atonement | North Carolina State University – February 2018
- In Defense of Penal Substitution
- Responding to Calvinist Arguments for Limited Atonement
- Q&A: Penal Substitutionary Atonement Theories Today | Craig, Moo, Seifrid, Porter – EPS 2017
Sermon (audio)
How should we baptise? Who should we baptise? part 2
What is Baptism? | What is the Importance of Christian Baptism?
Do You Need To Be Baptized To Be Saved?
What is Baptism and how important is it? | John Piper
A Biblical Analysis of Infant Baptism | Mike Winger
Catholicism response series – Mike winger
Catholicism: Worth Arguing About
Unbiblical stuff the Catholic Church teaches: Mary, Indulgences, Eucharist, Priests, 7 Sacraments
The Debate Over James 2: Catholic or Protestant View
Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory
Catholic Apologists Abuse Typology to Teach Mariology
A Biblical Analysis of Infant Baptism
Where the Gospel of Roman Catholicism Fails – Ask Pastor John
Roman Catholicism response conference – Dr James White
Roman Catholicism radio session – Dr James White
Is Roman Catholicism a cult? – Ravi Zacharias
What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?
Catholicism Versus Eastern Orthodoxy | Catholic Radio
What About Catholicism? – William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig explains why he is not a Catholic
A Conversation with Bishop Robert Barron & William Lane Craig – Claremont McKenna College – 2018
What Is The Catholic View Of Salvation? – Bishop Robert Barron
- The Remarkable Evidence of a Transcendent Soul – Fr Robert Spitzer, S J
- Stephen Barr, “Is the Human Mind Reducible to Physics?”
- The Case for the Soul (Neuroscience)
- The Case for the Soul: Refuting Physicalist Objections
- The Case for the Soul: Quantum Biology
- The Case for the Soul (Near-Death Experiences)
- Does the Soul Exist?- JP Moreland
- Panel 1: Neuroscience and the Soul Conference
- Swinburne and O’Connor on Neuroscience and the Soul (Full Interview)
- Richard Swinburne, Humans Consist of Two Parts: Body and Soul
- Why Science Could Never Show That Our Intentions Do Not Cause Our Brain Events, Richard Swinburne
- Richard Swinburne: What Kind of Necessary Being Could God Be?
- Richard Swinburne: Implausibility of Physical Determinism
- Science, Mind, Religion, and Reality – Keith Ward (Full Interview)
- Am I Just My Brain? | Sharon Dirckx
- Am I Just My Brain: Can neurons explain belief in God? | Sharon Dirckx
The International Church of Christ Exposed | Callum Miechel
Is the International Church of Christ a Cult?
Why I Left the International Churches of Christ – Stacey Aviva Flint
Is the International Church of Christ a Cult? Fox News Investigates on ICOC with Catherine Crier
ABC News 20/20 Investigates: International Churches of Christ – ICOC – BCOC – NYCOC – 1993
Why I Left the church of Christ
Talk series by Tina Marie J
Short clips
A Question Jehovah’s Witnesses Can’t Answer | Clay Jones
What do I say when Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door?!?
How to Talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses About Jesus
Jehovah’s Witness vs. Christian Pastor
How to stump a Jehovah’s Witness on the 144,000
Jehovah’s Witnesses: beliefs practices and ERRORS
James White on Deity of Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and More
How to Reach Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jehovah’s Witnesses: beliefs practices and errors
Free book
Is the Jesus of Mormonism the Jesus of the Bible?
Proof That Mormonism Is Not True: The Book of Abraham
You Won’t Believe What Joseph Smith Added to The Bible!
Leaving Mormonism: a Conversation
50 Problems With The Mormon Church
Origins of Mormonism debunked | History
Analyzing a Mormon Apologist (Martin Tanner)
Can Men Become Gods? James White vs Martin Tanner
Short videos
The Strange But True Story of Mormonism
The Book of Abraham, Did Joseph Smith Lie?
Was Joseph Smith a False Prophet?
Is There Any Evidence for Mormonism?
What They Do in Mormon Temples
Why You Shouldn’t Pray About the Book of Mormon
Did the Golden Plates Really Exist?
Translating the Golden Plates LDS Video
Why Mormonism is not the True Gospel
Is Mormonism Really the True Church?
Mormonism’s Confusing Image and Contradictions
Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? Anachronisms
The Mormon Priesthood LDS Video
Did the First Vision Really Happen?
Mormon Preexistence, Afterlife, Spirit Babies, and Heaven?
Is Mormonism Christian or is Christianity Mormonism?
Joseph Smith, Money Digging, Scams, and Witchcraft?
The Origins of Mormonism, Real or Borrowed?
Blood Atonement and the Mountain Meadows Massacre
Book of Mormon Sources, Was it Plagiarized?
What the Bible Says About Mormonism
Blacks and the Priesthood – Racism in Mormonism?
The Breakup of Mormonism and Splinter Groups
Did Mormonism Really Restore Christianity?
Joseph Smith’s Religious Environment LDS Video
How Mormons Misuse the Bible Part 1
How Mormons Misuse the Bible Part 2
Youtube channels
Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed their Minds Kindle Edition
Free book
- A Protestant visits a Greek Orthodox
- Eastern Orthodoxy: An Evangelical Assessment – Michael Reeves
- Refutation of Eastern Orthodoxy part 1: Icons
- Refutation of Eastern Orthodoxy part 2: Baptism, Prayer and Fasting
- Refutation of Eastern Orthodoxy part 3: The Bible, Dialogue and Ecumenism
- Refutation of Eastern Orthodoxy part 4: Saints, Monastic Life and Concluding Remarks
- John MacArthur Denounces: Eastern Orthodox Church / Hank Hanegraaff Joins Orthodoxy
- Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
- Can a Consistent Eastern Orthodox Believer Be the Bible Answer Man? | James White
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 1: Third Person of the Trinity
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 2: Ministries of the Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 3: The Holy Spirit In the Old Covenant
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 4: The Holy Spirit In the New Covenant
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 5: The Baptism In the Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part 6: The Filling of the Holy Spirit
Intelligent Design 3.0 by Stephen C. Meyer
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Intelligent Design: The Biochemical Evidence (with Dr. Michael Behe)
James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life
Jay Richards: The Privileged Planet
Michael Egnor on the Myth of Materialism
Michael Egnor Shows You’re Not A Meat Robot
Stephen Meyer on the Myth Of The Multiverse
James Tour On The Riddle Of Life’s Beginnings
Michael Behe Exposes How Mutations Fail To Invent
Documentary Unlocking the Mystery of Life Intelligent Design
Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines
Intelligent Design Uncensored: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Controversy
Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design
Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design
Youtube Channels:
- Short: Paul vs. Muhammad
- Short: Women in Islam
- Short: Answering Islam (Beginners 101 for Christians)
- Lectures: Apologetics to Islam
Audio (Sermon)
Understanding the Lord’s Supper part one
Who should take the Lord’s Supper part two
What is the importance of the Lord’s supper / Christian Communion?
Series: James White
Meaning & History of the Lord’s Supper part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
The Lord’s Supper: Remembering and Proclaiming Christ Until He Comes
Putting Creation to the Test. Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fuz Rana at Purdue University
Hugh Ross – Formation of Lunar Fossil Bulges and Implications for Early Earth
Hugh Ross – Highly Fine-Tuned Reverse Weathering Stabilized Earth’s Early Climate
Fazale Rana – Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth
What is an Old-Earth Creationist?
How Do You Reconcile Animal Death Before the Fall with Genesis 1?
Understanding the Creation Account in Genesis
How long are the creation “days” in Genesis 1?
On an Old Earth View, How Are Neanderthals Accounted For?
Did dinosaurs and humans live at the same time?
How Do Christians View Noah’s Flood?
Origins Debate: Creationism or Theistic Evolution?
Hugh Ross vs. Jason Lisle – The Age of the Universe
Hugh Ross vs. Ken Ham – TBN Debate
Hugh Ross vs. Kent Hovind – How Old is the Earth?
Responding to Young Earth Creationism arguments 100+ video responses
More Than a Theory: Revealing A Testable Model For Creation (Reasons to Believe)
The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry
Con view
The Problem With Theistic Evolution
Stephen C. Meyer: Theistic Evolution
God & Evolution: A Critique of Theistic Evolution
Jonathan Wells: Science and Theistic Evolution
Pro view
Can you be a Christian and Believe in Evolution?
Common Ground in Science | Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass & Dr. Ajit Varki
A Genealogical Take On The Historical Adam & Eve
A Critique of Mike Behe’s Book “Darwin Devolves”: Conversation with Dr. Joshua Swamidass
Inspiring Philosophy
- What is the Trinity?
- The Trinity Explained
- Why the Trinity is Necessary
- The Trinity in the New Testament
- The Trinity in the Old Testament
- Refuting Objections to the Trinity (Part 1)
- Refuting Objections to the Trinity (Part 2)
- Refuting Objections to the Trinity (Part 3)
- Why Didn’t Jesus & the Holy Spirit Know the Hour?
- Is the Trinity Pagan?
- The Truth about the Council of Nicaea
- Christianity and Panentheism
Doctrine of the Trinity
- The Trinity Part 1: There Is One God
- The Trinity Part 2: Three Distinct Persons in the Godhead
- The Trinity Part 3: The Deity of Christ
- The Trinity Part 4: The Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 5: The Historical Survey
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 6: Historical Survey (2) | Modalism
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 7: Historical Survey (3) | Arianism
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 8: Historical Survey (4) | Coherence of the Doctrine
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 9: Three Divine Persons, One God
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 10: The Relationship Between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- Doctrine of the Trinity Part 11: A Plausibility Argument for the Trinity