Youtube channels, podcasts and books take you only so far. A course, an A-Z in a topic will give you the foundations to be confident in a particular field, whether that be the Resurrection, or history of the crusades, I’ve added many course links here.
Short courses

This is a foundational course for giving you background into the application of the Lord’s prayer, taking you beyond a surface reading of it. Short course, but very informative and enhancing of my own prayer life. (course sometimes free)
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Dr N.T. Wright

Different from N.T Wright’s course but in a different way. This also walks you through the Lord’s prayer but more about how to think non-historically about each step of the Lord’s prayer (Free course)
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Pete Greig
Longer courses

One of the essential arguments in a Christians locker is knowing how to defend the resurrection. Here, Gary Habermas takes you through 30 lessons from start to finish on the evidence for the resurrection, the opposing theories and responses as well as looking at the presuppositions of those who argue against the Christian worldview (course often discounted)
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Dr. Gary Habermas

If you want to be able to defend the gospels, the biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, this is your course. It will take you on a quest through what makes them reliabile historical documents, issues with the canon, origins of material as well as the challenges the Gospels face. You will feel an increased confidence in the Gospels after completing this course. (course often discounted)
Level: Intermediate
Teacher: Dr. Craig Blomberg

If you want to be able to defend the historical Jesus, this is your course. If you want to do it with non-Christian sources, there is information here. In this course you’ll learn just how reliable the Biblical picture of Jesus is. You won’t feel like you’re clinging anymore. By the end you’ll feel a renewed confidence. There’s no need to cower from sceptics. (course often discounted)
Level: Intermediate
Teacher: Dr. Darrel Bock

This is a course designed to help you with your confidence in the scriptures by looking at the scriptural data we have, how to resolve the issues with it and the most important historical papyrus we have. (course often discounted)
Level: Intermediate
Teacher: Dr. Daniel Wallace

If you wanted to do a thorough online course in apologetics, this is right for you. It takes you into many topics ranging from naturalism, the trinity, eastern thought, the resurrection and more.
Level: Beginner
Teachers: Ravi, Michael Ramsden, John Lennox, Os Guinness, Amy Orr-Ewing,Tom Price, Stuart McAllister, Andy Bannister, Michelle Tepper, John Njoroge, Vince Vitale, Tanya Walker, Alister McGrath

This is for the Christian getting into apologetics and wanting a thorough 30 lesson introduction to the arguments, how to defend and how to share the arguments for God’s existence and Jesus related arguments.
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Dr. Douglas Groothuis

The origins of the New Testament derive and link directly to the Old Testament. This course will give you a good theological introduction and run down of God and his character and relationship to his people in the Old Testament.
Level: Beginner
Teacher: Dr. Tremper Longman

Want to learn the Language of the Bible? what better place but to start with someone who teaches it in this online class.
Level: Intermediate
Teacher: Dr. William Mounce
Course websites

A hub of academic lectures ranging from In-depth lectures on books of the Bible, to Learning Greek, apologetics training and more. You get access to this at a monthly subscription. Good for students of this area or the committed layperson

A robust range of Apologetics courses, many which are shown here on The Resurrection, New Testament, Apologetics, Jesus and more. One off courses are what you can buy here and they are often on sale for massive discounts!