Welcome to 1C15
What's it all about?
Back in 2018 I was a Christian that was quite comfortable with layman level theology, but when it came to either sharing or defending my faith, it was a mess. I’m sure we’re all familiar with people who say “There’s just no evidence for God’s existence” and then, on the spot, you need to make a stand but no arguments for His existence come to mind that would challenge the individual.
In the summer of 2018 I discovered Gary Habermas & Mike Licona’s ‘The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus’ Which opened a pandora’s box for defending the Christian Faith with strong, convincing arguments. From there, the intellectual side of Christian belief was exposed to me and started three years of research, which in turn, kicked off this web project.
How this site can serve you
The goal is to do two primary things: First, defend your faith with confidence. This would mean when people say ‘there are no good arguments for God’s existence’ or ‘how can you believe Jesus rose from the dead?’ You can turn around and say, ‘actually, yes there are good reasons and evidence, would you like to hear them?’
The second goal is to help you talk about your faith. Defending your faith is one matter, but talking to people on the go about the trinity, miracles, baptism, the great commission, sexual ethics, Mormons and more are another beast all together.
So beyond defending and talking about your faith, there’s a whole library of resources to help equip you to find your own answers from the millions of Christians who’ve prepared them and are waiting for you to find them. You’ll discover apps, Youtube channels, websites, books and more that will help make you into a Christian Case Maker.
How you can support this site
This website is very much still a work in progress and probably will be into 2021, But what you can do is share the website, share useful articles with others and those who need answers. As well as this, contact me (via the contact tab) and if there are questions you really want answering and if it’s in my area, I’ll dedicate a blog post to you with an answer and a bunch of resources for further reading. Questions matter to us because Jesus matters to us.
What does 1C15 mean?
So I wanted something short and easy to remember. The name is short for 1 Corinthians 15, a chapter dedicated to the resurrection (Read it, I aim to have it memorised eventually!). It provides clarity on the physical resurrection, the weight it holds and why Jesus not rising destroys Christianity (There is no Christianity without it) Specifically it uses the word “Anastasis” meaning to come back to life after death. For a little more on this, this is a great lecture.
Contact us
Have an idea? Want to help out in some way? get in touch! I’m always willing to receive feedback (especially corrections as my spelling less than perfect)!