Why Apps?
Christian Apps are diverse in application from broad ranging Bible apps, to ones that equip you for questions, conversations, knowledge etc. As well as this, there are apps here which will assist the Christian in his study of growing and defending their faith.
Apologetics apps

Apologetics Press
If you’re looking for a bank of content articles broadly from engaging other religions, deity of Christ, evolution vs creationism, existence of God etc. This app is fantastic. Resources: articles

Bible Thinker
Mike Winger has turned his video content into streaming material where you can listen on the go with a wealth of topics, playlists and studies.
Resources: training videos, apologetics series, general apologetics

Cold Case Christianity
This app helps you examine and articulate the evidence for God’s existence and the truth of Christianity. Resources: training articles, quick answers, chatroom, video, podcasts.

Cross Examined
Frank Turek’s material dives in to the cultural topics of the day whether that be marriage, abortion, truth & philosophical issues. Resources: podcast, quick answers, events, video.

Got Questions
for your Q&A needs. with thousands of answers to nearly every question about Christianity you will think of, this app is packed with answers to difficult or simple questions. Resources: articles, videos

Reasonable Faith
Reasonable Faith an intelligent voice for Biblical Christianity in the public arena. Resources:
Q&A, articles, audio and video of debates and talks, and live-streaming, video, and audio from Christian Defenders class for adults.

Reasons to Believe
For all things science, this app is the one to go to especially when it comes to cosmology and biology. Resources: articles and podcasts

Helping the believer think, and the thinker believe is their slogan. RZIM is a resource for the Christian apologist wanting to understand questions ongenerally culture & morality. Resources: daily podcasts, videos, articles & events.

RZIM Connect
Essentially a Christian community forum to ask and seek answers to questions answered by RZIM Apologists or other individuals. Resources: forum

Stand to Reason
Stand to Reason trains Christians to have better tactics in their responses which are incisive but are done in gentleness and respect. Resources: podcasts, articles, tactical training, recommendations.

Stand to Reason - Quick Reference
Basically a resource paradise for different topics. What Reasonable Faith is for philosophical apologetics, this is great for cultural apologetics. Resources: training videos, shop, audio bible.

Speak Life
Glenn Scrivener’s evangelism app with a podcast, animated videos, cultural videos, articles. A great resource amongst many Christian apps.

Theo tab
A broad apologetic app on many topics to help you gain a 101 in Apologetics. From Logic to archaeology, arguments for God’s existence to the trinity. I’d love to an app as simple and useful as this one day for my site!
Bible apps

Bible Gateway
A simple Bible app which has a range of translations, verse of the day features, reading plans, resources and study tools to help you keep notes and highlight what you need.

Much like Bible Gateway, it has a great range of features, plans, study techniques and handy tools for sharing scripture visually. It also has video content and more.

A simple but stylish app for highlighting, taking notes, bookmarking and sharing scripture. It also comes with built in audio Bible. What’s great is how all your notes go into a neat library where you can search and find them.

Bible In One Year
This is a great app for getting through the Bible in a year with a complimentary theme commentary day by day. roughly around half an hour each day, you can easily break this devotional up into three parts of your day.

Blue Letter Bible
A more advanced Bible for study for cross referencing, detailed commentaries and a handful of ways to get deeper into your Bible. I prefer this on larger screens like the Ipad, but works just fine on a mobile also.

This great study Bible allows you to read the study notes of the church fathers and their comments on certain verses. This is ideal for gathering historical data or just investigating their own insights into the verses.

Another advanced audio Bible where you choose from a range of voices, reading speeds, plans for allowing you to listen to scripture on the go audibly. It’s a paid app but has a range of free features.

Faithlife Study Bible
A great study Bible particularly for Ipad (phone also). with it’s splitscreen mode abilities, you can easily have your commentary one side and synchronise it with your bible reading on the other side.

Want a soft melodic voice casually reading you the Psalms as you fall asleep? or hear a Christian book like Pilgrims progress read to you? Well this app is great for that! It is a peaceful relaxation app.
Other great apps

Like the Kindle app, another great resource for Christians. Many great Christian apologists, theologians and pastors have taken advantage of this app so you can now audibly listen to Christian material on the go.

Covenant Eyes
This replaces your browsers on phones and a plugin on desktop. Use this app to keep you safely browsing the internet. If you intentionally or unintentionally browse sites you shouldn’t, it goes into a report on your account. This is great for accountability.

Not a Christian app per se, but if you want to read Christian books digitally, huge swathes of them are available in kindle format.

Make sure you download yourself a podcast app and subscribe to some of the Christian podcast shows on the podcast page.

Prayer Mate
Ever wanted to store all your prayer requests in one place and organise them into categories? well this is basically what you need!

Premier Christianity
Listen to Christian discussion, music and debates via this radio app.