The Case for Christianity
The reliability of the New Testament.
The Bible is the textual means of God’s message to us and it affects and influences every part of the Christian life. The Bible has been thoroughly attacked, moreso in the last few hundred years and there are questions we need to have answers to. Some of the questions are big, some are small, others may not even be on your radar. What I aim to give you here is a well rounded base of answers for questions from multiple angles either in the resources and articles. (Those such questions are below)
- How did the canon form and how do we know it’s correct?
- Were the New Testament authors telling the truth?
- What about the manuscripts?
- What do we do if we only have copies of the original papyri?
- Before the apostles and fellows wrote it all down, how was the message preserved?
- What evidence outside of the Christian faith recognised the existence of first century Christians?
- And does it align with today’s Christianity?
- What about supposed errors and contradictions? What do we mean by “Inspiration”?
Introductory Videos.
Unfortunately there are not enough short animated videos out there for every extensive topic to do with the New Testament. However, here’s three great videos to get you started relating to the accuracy of the New Testament text, archaeology & external evidence for the Jesus of the New Testament.
Essential articles.
Two compelling articles for you and to share about the reliability of the Bible and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Now there’s more to this page than just a few introductory videos. Explore a broad range of material that I’ve split into these neat little sections!
More stuff!
Extra material outside the main options are buried in these sections if you want more!
Where Did the Old Testament Come From? 1 of 2 – short
Where Did the New Testament Come From? 2 of 2 – short
Canonicity | William Lane Craig
How the Canon of the Bible Was Formed | Mike Licona
Making of the Bible [Extended Version] | Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)
Did the Ancient Church Muzzle the Canon? | Daniel B Wallace
The Formation of the New Testament Canon – Dr Craig Blomberg
How we got the OT Canon: Evidence for the Bible | Mike Winger
How We Got the New Testament: Evidence for the Bible | Mike Winger
2 hour run-through, the Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism | Daniel B Wallace
New Testament Bible Reliability | Daniel Wallace
New Testament Reliability part 1 & part 2 Dr James White
Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls | Dr Craig Evans
True or False: Is the New Testament historically reliable? | Dr. Craig Evans
How Long Were Late Antique Literary Manuscripts In Use? | Craig Evans | PhD
Who Wrote the Gospels? | Timothy McGrew
The Gospels and Acts as History | Dr. Timothy McGrew
Undesigned Coincidences | Dr. Lydia McGrew
Undesigned Coincidences in the Scriptures: An Argument of Their Veracity | Jonathan McLatchie
Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels | Timothy McGrew
The Authenticity of the Apostolic Eyewitness in the New Testament | Professor Richard Bauckham
Mark’s Geography and the origin of Mark’s Gospel | Professor Richard Bauckham
New Evidences the Gospels were Based on Eyewitness Accounts | Dr Peter Williams
Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World | Larry Hurtado
The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography | Simon Gathercole
Does the Bible record myth, fiction and superstition or actual historical events? | Dr Amy Orr-Ewing
Should Christians have doubts? (Archaeology focus) animated short video
John Bloom: Biblical Archaeology’s Greatest Hits
The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeology at Iowa State
Dr. Steven Collins – Confirming the Bible Through Archaeology
Dan Wallace Vs Bart Ehrman [Recommended for your first debate]
Bart Ehrman vs Tim McGrew – Round 1
Bart Ehrman vs Tim McGrew – Round 2
Bart Ehrman vs. James White Debate part 1 & part 2
Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham – Round 1
Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham – Round 2
Unbelievable? Classics – “Misquoting” Jesus – Bart Ehrman vs. Peter J. Williams
Bart Ehrman debates Peter J Williams, are the Gospels Historically Reliable?
Introduction to the Letter to Diognetus
Introduction to the Letter of Barnabas
Introduction to the Shepherd of Hermas
Introduction to the Muratorian Fragment
Introduction to the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
Introduction to the Didascalia Apostolorum (Apostolic Constitutions)
Introduction to the Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Different Genealogies)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Who did the Angel Appear to?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Jesus, a Nazarene?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (When did John meet Jesus?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Order of Temptations)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Where did Jesus meet His disciples?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Displaying Good Works)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Centurion or Elders?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Who Was the 12th Disciple?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Did Jesus come for Gentiles?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Carry a Staff?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (The Feeding of 5000?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (How long was Jesus Dead?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (Can God do all things?)
- Supposed Bible Contradiction (What Day Did Jesus die?)
- Supposed Biblical Error (The Census of Quirinius)
- Supposed Biblical Error (The Death of John the Baptist)
- Supposed Biblical Error (From Tyre to Galilee through Sidon)
- Supposed Biblical Error (Gerasenes and Gadarenes?)
- Supposed Bible Error (A Flat Earth?)
- Supposed Bible Error (The Jewish Custom of Hand Washing)
- Supposed Bible Error (The Jordan River Geography)
- Supposed Bible Error (Nazareth)
- Supposed Bible Error (Bethany and Bethphage)
- Alleged Historical Errors in the Gospels (Matthew & Mark) | Tim McGrew
- Alleged Historical Errors in the Gospels (Luke & John) | Tim McGrew
- Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels | Dr. Timothy McGrew
- Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels (part 2) | Dr. Timothy McGrew
Michael Licona Compositional devices approach
- Full talks part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
- When did they gather together to question Jesus?
- Was Jesus questioned by Herod?
- Where was Jesus taken immediately after His arrest?
- Who put the robe on Jesus?
- What were Jesus’ last words?
- Did tombs really open at the crucifixion?
- Did both robbers mock Jesus or only one?
- Who carried the cross?
- Did Rome let people near the cross?
- Did Rome crucify thieves?
- What time was Jesus crucifixion?
- Who buried Jesus?
- Who did the women find at the tomb?
- Did Mary Magdalene weep or rejoice?
- When did the Ascension take place?
- Who found the empty tomb?
- Did the women tell anyone or not?
- Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus?
- Could Jesus’ followers touch Him?
- Did Jesus tell His disciples to preach to everyone or just the Jews?
- Where did the Ascension take place?
- Did an angel cause an earthquake and roll back the stone or not?
- Did the disciples stay in Jerusalem or go to Galilee?
- Was Jesus crucified before or after the Passover meal?
- What were the women supposed to tell the disciples?
- Who came out to meet Jesus?
- Did Jesus go to Magdala or to Dalmanutha?
- Was it a Canaanite or a Syro-Phoenician woman?
- Was Jesus talking to a crowd or only to His disciples?
- Was it 6 days or 8?
- Did Jesus heal the blind man by touch or by speaking?
- How many blind men did Jesus heal at Jericho?
- Did Jesus heal the blind man on His way into or out of Jericho?
- Did the fig tree wither on the same day or the next day
Greg Koukl – Is Inerrancy Necessary?
The Gospel of Q? Textual Criticism and Biblical Reliability.
Is the Bible complete or is there more to come?
How can we trust what has been written about the martyrdom of the apostles?
Do the gospel authors follow their sources closely?
What constitutes historical reliability in ancient texts?
Why are the gospels ordered the way they are?
Were the gospels written for different audiences?
Are there Inconsistencies Between the Four Gospels?
The Problem Of Contradictions In The Bible
Is There Proof Outside of the Bible that Jesus Existed?
New Testament manuscripts website: http://www.csntm.org/