Why Books?
Well I’m not sure how much I need to say why books are important, but they are. Youtube will take you so far and often, those golden nuggets of information are buried in a library of books and you get to see a developed idea in full. These are organised by category to aid your browsing. Here is not every good book, but some of the best amongst good books as to not overwhelm you.
Apologetics generally

A great general introductory book on apologetics and recommended for beginners. This book introduces you into the essential arguments for God’s existence and a basic defense of the Resurrection.
Topics in this book: Meaning, Contingency, Kalam, Fine-Tuning, Morality, Suffering, Historical Jesus, Resurrection, Pluralism
Level: Beginner (Essential)

If you have read on Guard, then this is the level up and may feel quite a leap in terms of depth. Here you will get a fuller, more in depth case and defense of the arguments you learnt about in On Guard.
Topics in this book: Meaning, Contingency, Kalam, Fine-Tuning, Historical knowledge, Miracles, Historical Jesus, Resurrection
Level: Intermediate

A level up from Reasonable Faith book and is very much aimed at scholars and serious students of natural theology. If you want to get into the serious arguments defending Christianity, this is the place to look, but be prepared for a complex read.
Topics in this book: Natural theology, Contingency, Kalam, Fine-Tuning, Consciousness, Reason, Moral, Evil, Religious Experience, Ontological, Miracles, Resurrection
Level: Advanced
Resurrection & New Testament

One of the most popular books introducing Christians into apologetics. This book talks the bible, Resurrection and the historical Jesus and is a great first read to get you into the field of Apologetics.
Topics in this book: Resurrection, Bible, Historical Jesus
Level: Beginner

A great book for beginners when it comes to knowing if the Gospel authors were right in the detail. Did they know the first century? How can we tell they used reliable information? Can we know if we have the words of Jesus? For the reliability of the Gospels, this provides a great introduction into this topic.
Topics in this book: New Testament, Textual Criticism, Non-Christian sources
Level: Beginner

A great overview book particularly on it’s contents on the Resurrection, New and Old Testament from how Bible manuscripts were made to thorough defenses of it’s reliability. A wonderful companion for the new Christian Apologist, a necessity I would say.
Topics in this book: Resurrection, Historical Jesus, Reliability of the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament
Level: Beginner (Essential)

Probably the best book you could read on the resurrection. This book takes you through the method, evidence and responses to the ‘Minimal Facts’ version of the argument.
Topics in this book: Resurrection, Naturalism
Level: Beginner (Essential)

NT Wrights massive work on his exploration of the origins of Christianity, looking at other worldviews and proving that Christianity is not based on pagan, nor other belief systems of the early period
Topics in this book: Christian Origins, Resurrection
Level: Intermediate

Licona’s work in this looks into the weighing of evidence with regards to miracles, investigates the evidence for the resurrection from the best sources and weighs up the multiple hypothesis presented.
Topics in this book: Resurrection
Level: Intermediate

This short book looks at the multiple stories of the resurrection as recorded in the Gospel and sorts out the ‘supposed’ contradictions and what’s really going on.
Topics in this book: Resurrection, Contradictions
Level: Beginner

Being a philosopher, Swinburne’s approach to the resurrection focuses first on weighing the evidence, looking at prior and post historical evidence for Jesus and his resurrection before forming a conclusion on how to use the argument.
Topics in this book: Resurrection
Level: Intermediate

Wallace’s book has been built for those who want to investigate the Christian story from a detective direction. What this book does is looks at the Christian texts purely as documents and from then on proceeds to determine them as historical and eyewitness sources that are reliable.
Topics in this book: New Testament, Eyewitness testimony
Level: Beginner (Essential)

This book will take you from the Old Testament formation right through the the modern Bible’s of today. This book is designed to give you an overall treatment of the history so you can observe the chain of events that led up to the Bible you read today.
Topics in this book: History of the Bible
Level: Beginner

An old but gold book when it comes to arguments for immortality looking at arguments such as the resurrection, near-death experiences and more.
Topics in this book: Resurrection, Near-Death Experiences, Consciousness
Level: Intermediate

JP Moreland here discusses the value of the Soul, discusses beliefs of consciousness, what the Bible says on it, what nature’s involvement is, the reality of the soul. It then concludes with looking at the future of the human perso
Topics in this book: Brain, Consciousness, Soul, Free-Will, Determinism
Level: Beginner

The discussion between Mind and matter is a constant in history, but with scientific advancements, discories and conclusions are made. Here Sharon takes on the topic of the soul, if we can still hold to it, are we just a brain, what of free-will? Are we just brain activity? A great introductory work from the Neuroscientist.
Topics in this book: Brain, Consciousness, Soul, Free-Will, Determinism
Level: Beginner (Essential)

Another great book on the relationship between the body and the soul observing a range of different perspectives on the soul, questions of human identity, our thoughts and consciousness relations, idealism and concluding with how we can see the soul today. a Meaty philosophical book here but worth a read.
Topics in this book: Brain, Consciousness, Soul, Free-Will, Determinism,
Level: Intermediate

If you want to be familiar with the scientific discoveries that support the evidence for a personal creator, then this is your book to understand purposeful origin and development.
Topics in this book: Science, Cosmology
Level: Beginner

The breakthrough book covers and challenges theories of Darwinian Evolution claiming to be the path to where the first life came from and this book challenges this philosophical idea with science and evidence. As well as this, this book promotes a strong form of the information argument. A worthwhile read.
Topics in this book: First-Life, Dna & information
Level: Intermediate

The clues in the title. This book will help the Christian have better conversations, shifting the questions you ask in the right direction and stop you from falling into the trap of answering all the questions, rather than being the questioner. This makes you a better researcher and more respectable in conversation generally.
Topics in this book: Conversation, debate
Level: Beginner (Essential)

A brilliant introduction into this mammoth controversial area. This book looks at the case against and for miracles. This breaks out in areas such as science, visions, dreams, answers to prayer, the difficulties with miracles, the miracles of the universe and more.
Topics in this book: Miracles, Philosophy
Level: Beginner (Essential)

A colossal 2 volume book on recorded miracles of the late 20th and 21st century, around 1,000 of them documented in this mammoth book. From distant healing, to ones hard to believe, to medically documented cases. A great resource that can fill you with encouragement. As well as cases, the book starts with the history of miracles, the philosophy and the criticisms. This really is one of the best writings on the topics of miracles produced in the modern era.
Topics in this book: Miracles, Philosophy and history of miracles
Level: Intermediate
Other beliefs

These books give you brief overviews of these worldviews and points of engagement. In the series there is one on Muslims, Atheists, Jews and Hindu’s.
Topics in this book: Islam, Atheism, Judaism, Hinduism
Level: Beginner

A book that comes highly recommended to me investigates multiple different religions, their beliefs, what they generally hold to and how Christians can respond. This companion is essential for the Christian to evangelise to these worldviews.
Topics in this book: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Secularism, New Age (Other worldviews also)
Level: Beginner

This looks at the beliefs of Atheism, Scientism, Pluralism, Humanism, Relativism and Hedonism (all the ism’s!). Here it goes into the views and responds to them.
Topics in this book: Atheism, Scientism, Pluralism, Humanism, Relativism, Hedonism
Level: Beginner

The personal testimony of Nabeel Quereshi’s journey from Islam to Christianity. He goes into detail not only on what led him there, but the obstacles Muslims face when leaving the faith, it’s an enlightening read!
Topics in this book: Islam
Level: Beginner
Problem of evil

Clay Jones’ marvel on the problem of evil is recommended to any Christian looking essentially at the questions we really want to understand like Why do we suffer for what Adam did? Why not another way?What about eternal punishment? Won’t heaven be boring? And more.
Topics in this book: Suffering, Heaven & Hell, Free-Will
Level: Beginner (Essential)

Another brilliant book on problems to do with moral evil in the world and this one in particular focus’ on the Old Testament difficult passages that many of us find hard to square.
Topics in this book: Slavery, Suffering, Morality, Old Testament
Level: Beginner (Essential)

Plantinga’s masterpiece tackles the topics of Evil, human freedom and arguments for God’s existence and weaves them all together into a large piece. This argument from Plantinga was revolutionary for its time and changed the face of scholarship toward the problem of evil.
Topics in this book: Suffering, Free-Will, Fine-Tuning, Ontological
Level: Intermediate

This book focuses particularly on the Canaanite incidents in the Old Testament. This will get into genocide, differences between murder and killing and all forms of hot topic ethical issues around this.
Topics in this book: Suffering, Morality
Level: Beginner
Shroud of Turin

There are many funky books on the Shroud of Turin out there making it a difficult field to find a healthy book on that isn’t too “preachy”. Luckily, apart from the scholarly papers,this book proves to be of Habermas’ style (Critical and evidence seeking). This book looks at the data and evidence for the Shroud and challenging old issues that denied it’s past value.
Topics in this book: Shroud of Turin
Level: Beginner

An overall book on Christian doctrine from Angels, Trinity, Heaven, hell, salvation and more. A large and popular reference work for Christians of all experiences.
Topics in this book: Christian Doctrine
Level: Beginner

This is a foundational (excuse the pun) Christian book on philosophical questions Christians need to get a good grip with and the book addresses the big philosophical questions. Very much a textbook for Philosophy students and if laymen persist, you can eventually become quite familiar with this
Topics in this book: Christian Philosophy
Level: Advanced

Sean and J Warner Wallace have prepared this book to allow churches, parents and leaders to know how to engage Gen-Z. It discusses priorities in the church, the uniqueness of the generation, how to connect them and prepare them for the future. I cannot recommend this book enough
Topics in this book: Youth, Worldview, Apologetics, Conversation, Tactics
Level: Beginner
Ethical issues

You may be familiar with Wayne Gruden and his Systematic Theology, well this is one of his newer works. This is a guide for all hot topic issues breaking down Biblical passages, application, defending such a view and concluding. There will be areas not all agree on perhaps, but it’s data on abortion, euthanasia, marriagee defence etc. Are critical for building the foundations of a Christian case for these.
Topics in this book: Ethics, Marriage, Civil Government, Capital Punishment, War, Self-Defense, Abortion, Euthanasia, Suicide, Ageing and Death, Racism, Health, Alcohol & Drugs, Marriage, Birth Control, Pornography, Divorce, Infertility, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Property Rights, Poverty & Wealth, Business Ethics, Environment
Level: Beginner

Vaughan Roberts small book introducing Christians to the topic, the data and the Christian response.
Topics in this book: Assisted Suicide
Level: Beginner (Essential)

A more in depth treatise by John Wyatt who takes us through the journey of the wanting to die early, the arguments, responses and what we as Christians should be doing in our own lives towards this view.
Topics in this book: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, End of life care
Level: Beginner

A deep dive into the medical world on views of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide and what Christians might understand from these incredibly sensitive topics. Any matter involving human life is a delicate topic and John respects this sensitivity throughout.
Topics in this book: Abortion, Euthanasia, Assisted suicide, death, biotechnology
Level: Intermediate

A beginners walk into one of the most sensitive topics of our generation. Here you will get definitions, a basic understanding and what a Christian response should be in the different environments, know whats suitable and what’s crossing a line unnecessarily.
Topics in this book: Transgender
Level: Beginner (Essential)

Of the books here, this is the most thorough works on the topic of transgender identity. It contains the views of activists, testimonies of people who’ve detransitioned and other ethical areas. Probably one of the best books on the topic.
Topics in this book: Transgender
Level: Beginner (Essential)

A Christian response to the transgender involvement, more to inform the Christian and their resoned response compared to an all sides explanation book. Good to be read with the similar books
Topics in this book: Transgender
Level: Beginner

A free document that starts by informing you on why today this is a topic of debate, what the Bible says, how the church can respond, brief notes on what the science says with conclusions. a good introductory work
Topics in this book: Transgender
Level: Beginner (Free)

What this book gives you is an introductory understanding of Christianity and it’s relationship iwth homosexuality. It covers what the Bible says, the Christian life, the church and engagement with the world on the topic. A brilliant and gentle introductory book from Sam who is himself someone who has experienced what this book is about.
Topics in this book: Homosexuality
Level: Beginner (Essential)

The story of an LGBTQ activist who turns to Christianity and is now an avid Christian Apologist for the faith. He shares his journey, his struggles, questions and decisions. Hard to put down and very engaging.
Topics in this book: Homosexuality, Identity
Level: Beginner

Different from a War of Loves, Jackie’s story takes her from a same-sex relationship to opposite sex relationship and to Christianity. Every story is different and this one contrasts David Bennett’s War of Loves. Both books worth a read
Topics in this book: Homosexuality
Level: Beginner

A book covering identity from many corners. Nancy here is explaining the broad strokes of a picture painted by culture and where it is driving us to. These topics cover the territories of abortion, euthanasia, what it means to count as human, sex as a commodity, homosexuality, transgenderism and philosophies behind the modern forms of the liberal movement.
Topics in this book: Humanity, Abortion, Euthanasia, sexuality, homosexuality, transgender
Level: Beginner

A word often not talked about in public but not a topic that should be overlooked. What this short book will do is introduce you to the history, the ugliness and the slavery porn can bring to people. It concludes about finding freedom and what life is like and how to help others. The book often sells out quite quickly (not surprised!)
Topics in this book: Pornography
Level: Beginner (Essential)

The next big question on the minds of Christians will be one of humanity to technology. Should we extend our lives through this means? how far should we go? how far is too far? What is the Christian response? One of the first popular level books on a topic that’s around the corner.
Topics in this book: Technology, Transhumanism, Bioethics
Level: Beginner

Much of what we commonly assume about singleness–that it is primarily about the absence of good things like intimacy, family, or meaningful ministry–is either flat-out untrue or, at the very least, shouldn’t be true. To be single, we often think, is to be alone and spiritually hindered. Sam Alberry takes you through the series of assumptions of singleness and responds to them presenting a positive case for those who wish to enjoy singleness, are currently single or unintentionally remain single
Topics in this book: Singleness, Sexuality
Level: Beginner