4.2 Is the resurrection the best explanation?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Theories that attempt to refute the resurrection are known as naturalistic explanations because they appeal to the natural rather than supernatural. In the 19th century, liberal scholars rejected the resurrection and provided refutations, however prestigious scholar Karl Barth, a 20th century scholar pointed out how each opposing theory suffers from Read more…

4.1 Opposing theories

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction  Given these 5 facts we’ve discussed, we now want to compare and contrast the various explanations for them. We want to do what the doctor did in explaining the symptoms. Any good doctor is going to pick a diagnosis that explains all the symptoms, not just a couple. We Read more…

3.8 Conclusion

Reading Time: 2 minutes Conclusion So what do these five facts mean then after all of this? Well we’ve put to one side, for the sake of argument, the inspiration and inerrancy of the bible, just valued them as historical documents that sceptical scholars accept, so I’m deliberately using sceptical data to make it Read more…

3.6 Fact 5. Jesus was buried (Part 1)

Reading Time: 7 minutes Introduction This is a fact that is accepted by nearly all scholars and an impressive majority of sceptical scholars. Gary Habermas discovered in a large survey that roughly 75% of scholars accept the empty tomb as a historical fact (our other four facts have a 90-99% acceptance rate).  Prominent critical Read more…

3.1 Fact 1. Jesus died by crucifixion

Reading Time: 7 minutes Crucifixion exists We know crucifixion exists, it was a common form of execution by the Romans. The Roman soldiers felt such hatred towards the Jews that they crucified a multitude of them in various postures. Josephus, Jewish historian writes when describing a persecution of Jewish people When caught, they resisted Read more…