3.8 Conclusion
So what do these five facts mean then after all of this? Well we’ve put to one side, for the sake of argument, the inspiration and inerrancy of the bible, just valued them as historical documents that sceptical scholars accept, so I’m deliberately using sceptical data to make it clear how strong the data is along with supporting facts to help understand why these evidences are as well understood as they are. We’ve used data critical scholars accept as fact, we’ve used only five minimal facts as to not overwhelm you and give you the most highly valued and accepted facts.
We considered 4 strong facts that meet the historical criteria and one fact that enjoys majority acceptance from scholars including sceptical ones and we make an extensive case for the empty tomb—to reassure you if 75% doesn’t feel enough. And in the case of those who reject the empty tomb, they know by accepting this fifth fact what the evidence could imply: the tomb’s pretty essential in all of this!
So what do we have?
We have disciples who believe that they saw Jesus risen from the dead. They claimed he (Jesus) had appeared to individuals amongst them as well as to several other groups. Two of those once viewed Jesus as a false prophet and later believed he appeared to them risen (Paul and James) and both became Christian as a result. So not only do we have testimony of friends but we have enemy testimony (including sceptical). Finally we have an established burial followed by an empty tomb.
I’d like to ask as a result and this follows if the above is true: Does God love us? Could it be a personal relationship with God that is on offer? Can we really have eternal life? If Jesus rose from the dead, then the answer is yes as a confirmation to his claims. These are the end results and prove his teaching is valid and applicable for us now.
Just remember JESUS and everything will be alright
J esus died by crucifixion
E arliest disciples saw the risen Jesus
S aul’s conversion
U nusual conversion of a brother
S unday Empty Tomb