Holy Spirit case: In summary

Belief that the biblical God exists may be rationally accepted as a basic belief not grounded on argument. And that properly basic belief is properly basic not only with regards to rationality but also with respect to warrant.
- Properly Basic Beliefs exist
- The Holy spirit is Properly Basic
- The Holy spirit is self-authenticating of its truth
- Unmistakable veridical experience
- Doesn’t need apologetic arguments to know its truth and reality
- It’s not an argument from religious experience, just the experience of God himself
- Allows for the apprehension of certain Christian truths
- Objective knowledge of the truth of Christianity
- The truth of the inner witness of the Holy Spirit overwhelm arguments and evidence against the view
- The New Testament teaches the self authenticating truth of the Holy Spirit
- This is for believers (including carnal Christians)
- This is also for non-believers
- We have warrant and rational belief for the Christian faith
- This warrant and rational belief trumps all other false claims to an experiencing of the Holy spirit.
- Muslims and Mormon sensations for example
- Neuroscience has not disproven the inner witness of the holy spirit