Internal argument for God's existence

The Holy spirit's witness

The Holy Spirit: Apologetic case

Yup, this indeed can be employed by the Christian because it’s true! Those who are Christian will know what I’m talking about. Here is a case for the Holy Spirit as a reason for assurance of belief. 

4 Minutes

1. Properly Basic beliefs

How they help ground belief in the Holy Spirit's witness

3 Minutes

2. the Self-authenticating witness of the holy spirit

Certain basic things you can know of the Holy Spirit in your life

6 Minutes

3. the holy spirit in the life of a christian

Basic truths of how the Holy spirit works in the Christians life

3 Minutes

4. The Holy Spirit In The Life Of A non-Christian

How God speaks into the lives of those who aren't Christian

9 Minutes

5. Rational to believe?

Is it simply rational to believe in God and Christianity or does it simply mean this belief is warranted?

<1 Minute

6. In summary

A quick 1-6 steps of where we've got to.

The Holy Spirit: Christian doctrine

It is also ideal to be familiar with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. This helps to give you a fuller understanding of what exactly you are defending. Here are some videos from a lecture series (Haven’t had time to convert as such into short witty articles yet!)

24 Minutes

1. Third Person of the Trinity


31 Minutes

2. Ministries of the Holy Spirit


32 Minutes

3. The Holy Spirit In the Old Covenant


23 Minutes

4. The Holy Spirit In the New Covenant


17 Minutes

5. The Baptism In the Holy Spirit


41 minutes

6. The Filling of the Holy Spirit
